Raise your hand if you are an over packer?!  I used to be the worst but after countless times of bickering with my husband the morning before we leave when he picks up my suitcase and then says “I told you so” when we get to the airport and have to pay extra….. I have toned it down a bit.  I actually sort of enjoy the simplicity of having less things to choose from and recycling ways to wear things while on vacation.
Since we are going to a topical resort I brought super casual items and shoes that are easy to walk in.  I used to get waaay to dressed up at these resorts and when it gets down to it after being in the sun all day, I could just as easily order room service in my pj’s.  So I have learned that casual dresses are the way to go.  Easy to throw on with a pair of sandals and go, also making my suitcase much lighter without all the heels I used to bring.
One thing I don’t skimp on are cover-ups.  Those are what I live in the most while on a beach vacation.  While bathings suits can be rinsed out and hung to dry to wear again, cover-ups once dirty have to be put in the “dirty clothes” pile of the hotel room.  Definitely a pet peeve of mine when I see someone with a different bathing suit for everyday of the vacation but only 2 coverups.  Grrr.  I would reverse it!
Another thing I have eliminated for travel (unless I’m bringing a formal dress) is the hanging bag… which I used to be the queen off might I add.  I now fold everything compactly into my suitcase with the help of my husband who is truly a pyscho packer.  I travel with the BEST portable steamer, so no need to worry about wrinkle city when you arrive.
And finally, wear your hat or at least hold it at the airport, and carry your beach bag as your purse.  Yes you will look like a total tourist but just own it!  Make your travel outfit match both and you will be good to go!  Since my beach bags are so roomy, many times I will put my hats inside of the bag to make it easier.
If your not already be sure to follow me on Insta : jaimeshrayber for the latest updates on our Dominican trip next week.
Have a great day!!
xo, Jaime