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How is it already Friday?!  I bought this blush faux fur jacket before Christmas and just last week it was completely in stock.  Well.. now its not.  Ugh!  Sorry guys, however I did find one that I like just as much if not more and it comes in a light pink and neutral ( here ).  I love jackets like these because it still gets super cold during these pre-spring months and wearing this color, even if it’s in the from of a jacket, still makes you feel like you’re dressing appropriately for the season.  I also just ran across this light pink suede jacket and this midi coat for only $89 the other day which are also great options for this time of year.

Okay, so I always get tons of questions about photo shoots, how often I do them etc. , so I thought it would be fun today to give you all a little behind the scenes of what my photo shoots entail and oh how not glamorous it actually is.  Hopefully ya’ll will get a good laugh.

Some of you know this, some may not, but I don’t take these pictures everyday!  I have a photo shoot once a week where I shoot about 7 looks in about an hour and a half.  And yes, this means changing in the back of my car in very urban Dallas areas.  Which leads me to say – blogging is actually a dirty job.  I can’t even tell you the endless amounts of trash we pick up so it’s not in the shot, or kick a beer bottle out of the way, or the waves of urine and trash odors that can permeate the air.  The other day Mary literally had me move a trash bin.  We did rock, paper, scissors for that one.  She’s more squeamish than I am so even though I lost I stepped up to the plate.  Full on stilletos rolling a trash can down the street in the Design District. Yep. Then there are the downtown shoots.. those are super special.  If you go between a certain time in the morning, the shelters are closed so the homeless peeps are out and about times 10 the normal amount down there.  Mary and I sang a rap song with a man once, that was fun, but usually they are trying to jump in the pictures with me and just talking a bunch on nonsense!

Construction workers are special too.  How do they get anything done when all they do is stand and stare? Or nap?

We also typically get yelled at about once a month by a boutique owner not wanting us shooting in front of their shop.  Never understand why they get so heated about it.. but they do.  So sometimes if we like the spot we’ll just try to be stealth about it ( i.e. the infamous pink garage in Design District.. damn that guy is scary!)

And parking tickets!  Ugh!  We have ALL gotten those numerous times.  The meter runs out, there is some mysterious no parking sign we don’t see, or that annoying dude marks your tire and if you are even a min over you’re screwed!  The worst!

Then there are the times when friends happen to drive.  They get unusually excited, roll down the window and start yelling.  Once, this guy I went to college with hit the curb while yelling  ( like full on tires squealing) and I thanked him for ruining the rest of that shoot.  I was pretty much dying laughing the rest of the time, and if you know me well, you know I hate my laughing photos!

I try to be more organized while changing in the back of my car, but every.single.time not one piece of clothing gets put back on the hanger.  It’s literally like a bomb went off in my car when I’m done.  Not too mention all the yummy things I find back there from the kids while I’m changing. I once had a stand up mirror that I would prop against the car so I could at least see what I looked like after changing,  but after driving off without it numerous times (because I kept buying them) I finally gave up.  Always a good laugh for Mary when she would see that mirror shatter as I drove off.  So apparently I’m going to have bad luck for like the rest of my life.  Good thing I’m not superstitious!

Oh and Instagram husband?  Yeah that’s legit, although mine retired about a year ago and if you haven’t seen that video you need to (here).  So sad, but so true AND hilarious.  I’ve learned the best thing for my marriage is to keep the photo taking on his part to the bare minimum!  He actually does a great job when he takes them, but I like about 20 shots and he’s good with 5 (hahaha).  It’s all good though because I take more selfies now and those definitely build muscle in my arm.  Thinking I need to try and do it left handed so that one arm isn’t more muscular than the other?!  Seriously though, my arm is burning after a round of selfies!

A few random facts –

I prefer to shoot in 105 degree weather than 50 degree weather

Wind is probably the worst weather that could be present during a photoshoot

And finally – the best photo shoots ever are those few times where we shoot around happy hour and I pack a cooler.  Let’s just say a lot less bothers you when you’re slightly buzzed 🙂 Ha!

Hope you all have a wonderful weekend!!

xo, Jaime

Top Leith | Jacket Coffee Shop (also similar here) | Jeans Topshop | Shoes Sam Edelman | Bag Zac Zac Posen