1. A.P.C. 2. Kohl’s (it’s light pink!). 3. Ralph Lauren (25% off). 4. Ralph Lauren (25% off).
5. Vince. 6. Ralph Lauren (25% off).
Between the saddle bag cravings and the never-ending hunt for the perfect bucket bag I am quickly heading down the road to becoming my child-hood nickname – “bag lady”. My Mom and Grandma used to call me that because of my love for handbags, organizing my things inside of them, and the constant rotation of them all. Now as an adult, I would’t say I have the same obsession for handbags…. except that I want every single saddle and bucket bag pictured above!!! Oh, and it doesn’t help that Ralph Lauren is offering 25% off of their bags until Oct 4th! Which one is your favorite?
Have a great day!
xo, Jaime